There’s Never Been a Better Time in History for Nurses to Become Writers…
Here’s How to Do It!
There’s Never Been a Better Time in History for Nurses to Become Writers…
Here’s How to Do It!
Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN
From The Desk Of Elizabeth Hanes RN
New Mexico

Dear Friend,

If you are a nurse who is desperate to find a career that lets you help people away from the bedside, but you don’t know how to break away, so you keep falling back into clinical jobs that don’t begin to compensate you for the physical and emotional wear-and-tear of nursing... this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
But Before We Go Any Further, A Warning:
If you’re someone who believes real nursing only occurs at the bedside…

If you’re someone who believes every alternative to bedside nursing requires either an advanced degree or an enormous financial investment...

If you're looking for an alternative nursing career that requires zero effort…

I should just tell you now: This book is not for you.

The methods I'll be giving you in this book are the exact same ones I used myself, to build a six-figure health writing business in my spare time - while I kept my day job as a nurse.

If these methods worked for me, they can help you too.

They have helped dozens of other nurses also launch lucrative writing careers, recapture their joy for nursing, and gain total autonomy over their lives - getting more time to spend with the people they love and making more money than they ever imagined possible.

So with that said, let me show you...

Exactly What You’re Getting
First of all, this is different from any other "nursing career" book you've ever read. In this ebook I lay out a crystal clear roadmap for how to get started as a professional writer…no confusing “theory” or other fluff, only a step-by-step process to follow.

And it's easy to read.

At 117 pages you can read it in an afternoon.

The ebook costs $5.90, and if it helps you land just ONE writing assignment, you could earn back 100 times your investment - easy.

(Note: Product is delivered as an EBOOK)
This Book Is About MORE Than Just 
Getting Control of Your Schedule
What you get in this ebook will show you how to start your own business and be your own boss to achieve financial success and the work-life balance you’ve craved for so long - the same way these nurses did...

One of my nurse clients reported that the toll on her mental health became more than she could bear during the COVID-19 crisis. “I had three deaths during my first week. I wanted to act like it didn't bother me, but it did. I felt overwhelmed. I would cry. I lost sleep," she said. Today, following the path shared in the book, she has cut back her nursing hours and reduced her stress levels because she’s able to offset her income with freelance writing assignments.

Another one of my nurse clients studied to be a journalist but felt more called to nursing. After a decade as a school nurse and feeling burned out, she used my methods to launch her own writing business. “It had long been my dream and ultimate goal to combine my journalism and nursing degrees for a long time, and Beth made that dream a reality. I landed my first gig a week after completing the course.”

Still another nurse, sidelined due to a chronic health condition, used my strategies to launch her own successful writing career. She later told me my guidance helped her achieve the confidence she needed to pursue her passion as a medical writer. Two years later, she’s now a highly sought-after nurse-writer.

So, as you can see, you don’t have to feel nervous about buying this ebook because it contains a proven system that you can do in your spare time, with zero risk and no investment.
  • How you can get started as a writer with ZERO INVESTMENT and NO RISK (page 48)
  • ​Why demand for nurse-writers is at an all-time high (thank you, Google!) (page 50)
  • ​How much money you REALLY can make as a writer (page 6)
  • ​The three main paths for starting out as a freelance nurse-writer – and what types of writing they involve (page 30)
  • ​Where to find editors who buy freelance articles (page 101)
  • ​An answer to the question: Do you have to be Hemingway to find success as a freelance writer? (page 44)
  • ​What “content marketing” is – and why clients will pay big bucks for nurses to write this stuff (page 32)
  • ​The secret to getting your first writing samples when you have no experience (page 56)
  • ​The only 4 business skills you’ll need to succeed (page 73)
  • ​The SIX “non-icky” marketing approaches I’ve used to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars’- worth of writing over the past 10 years! (page 99)
  • ​How to choose an “entry point” for your writing career – so you achieve quick success (page 30)
  • ​How to land your first assignment - and actually write it (page 55)
  • ​The correct way to cite sources for any client (hint: no APA style involved!) (page 65)
  • ​Every key step you should take to set up your writing business - and stay on the right side of the IRS (page 73)
  • ​How to format articles for the web - so clients will know you’re a pro (page 62)
  • ​The shocking truth about how low the barrier to entry is in freelance writing (page 41)
  • ​Why this career is not limited to RNs (page 37)
  • ​Why writing clients don’t care about your competency as a nurse (page 43)
  • ​The 5 attributes clients value most in nurse writers - hint: almost none of them have to do with writing ability (page 43)
  • ​Why there will never be a “glut” of nurse writers in our lifetime (page 116)
You’re right...that is a ton of proven, immediately useful strategies and tactics. And it’s stuff no other nurse is going to tell you, because so few nurses even know that they can make a career as a writer.

The best part is that this approach is…

Specifically Designed For Nurses Who Hate Selling
Several years back, when I was battling bullying at the last nursing job I ever held, I decided to pursue my dream of freelance writing. I knew a little bit about it, because 30 years prior I held a position writing press releases for a small non-profit agency in my hometown. But, the truth is, I didn’t know much of anything about making a full-time living as a writer - and I figured it must involve a lot of selling.

Now, I don't know about you, but...I hate selling. I think I suck at it.

I tried various types of sales jobs and schemes in my youth, and I always felt very uncomfortable cold-calling people and trying to pressure them into buying my product or service.


So I was beyond delighted to figure out that I didn't have to do any high-pressure selling to become a successful freelance writer. Marketing? Sure. I do market my services using my website and some social media. But I've never had to pressure anyone into working with me - because, as I found out, that's not how this industry works.

As I detail in the book, I discovered that editors and clients welcome my emails - because demand is so high for nurse-writers (and there are so few of us) that they do a little jig when I introduce myself to them. That was a relief to find out!

My other concern about trying to make my living as a writer was that...I'd starve to death! I mean, isn't every "artist" a "starving" one??

But I quickly figured out how to eliminate my risk of starving (or losing my house) as I ramped up my freelance business. And my strategy did NOT require me to invest thousands of dollars in software or assistants. Pretty soon, I was making so much money that I quit my nursing job - and never looked back.

This same freelancing model will work for you, too. When you start using it, here's what will happen.

First, you will discover you don’t feel at all anxious about trying out “this writing thing” because you don’t have to give up your steady paycheck, invest thousands of dollars in a crazy business scheme, or feel regretful about putting in some time to make this work.

Next, as you follow the steps, you’ll gain confidence quickly because you’ll know exactly what to do to sell your first article.

And the next thing that'll happen is this:

You'll See Your Name in Print!
And it will feel like a dream come true!

Not only will you be able to share your first article with everyone you know, but you'll see your name in print on the most important document of all: the check the client sends you for your work.

Imagine how you’ll feel telling family members and friends you’ve become a professional writer!

Here's What To Do Next
The "cost" of this ebook is $5.90, and you'll get it right away as a downloadable PDF file.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.

You can access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to wait for the mailman.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

YES, This WILL WORK for YOU, Too!
No matter where you’re at in your career or how much writing experience you have, the methods I outline in this book will work for you. These strategies are the same ones I and dozens of other nurses have used to launch and sustain our writing careers. If you ever got at least a ‘C’ on a nursing school paper, trust me you have enough writing talent to succeed as a writer!

This book explains the exact skills you need to freelance and which paths can help you find rapid success.

Right about now you might be thinking "this sounds too good to be true" but rest assured -

There is No Catch

I've decided to give you this entire ebook, for $5.90, so you can see for yourself how quickly it will transform your life and give you the money, time, and autonomy you deserve as a nurse. I believe writing is nursing’s best-kept secret career - and I want to help as many nurses as possible discover this!

My hope is that you'll love it, get amazing results, and maybe even join one of my coaching programs in the future.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
Time Is Very Limited
This book is part of a test I'm running for my business.

I’m not sure how long I’m going to keep selling this ebook at just $5.90.

I mean, it’s worth much more than that. I've packed as much value as possible into this little book, and I'm hoping you'll love it and will want to do more coaching with me down the road.

I'm betting you'll love the book so much that you'll be subscribing to my free newsletter and reaching out to me to find out how to get into one of my other programs. Pretty straightforward.

Oh and just in case you're wondering, I don't have a sales team that's going to start calling you to sell you other "stuff" or anything like that 🙂

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

And one more thing..

Of course there's a
Money-Back Guarantee
I 100% guarantee you'll love this book, or I'll return your $5.90 and let you keep the book anyway.

That's correct. If you're unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll refund your $5.90 with no questions asked - and you keep the book.

How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone
I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon!

Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 117-page ebook that outlines exactly what to do to get started as a freelance nurse-writer.

The ebook is $5.90.

In the book, I’m walking you through the exact method I used to build a six-figure writing business in my spare time.

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test for my coaching practice.

There is no "catch" to this offer and "Yes!" it will work for you too, no matter where you’re at in your nursing career – as long as you earned at least a C on a nursing school paper at some point.

If it turns out you don't like the book, let me know and I'll refund your $5.90 immediately. You don't even need to send the book back.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

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